It is d an ger o u s to open th e door when w as hi ng , be c a use the hot wat e r ma y s cal d you .
Whe n the wo rking cyc le h as fi nished, the b uzzer of dishwa sher will sound 8 second s, the n stop. Turn off
t he a ppli ance usi ng the O N/O FF butto n, sh ut o ff th e wa te r supp ly and op en t he d oor of t he di shwashe r.
Wait a fe w minut es be fore un loadi ng t he d ishw asher to avo id ha ndling t he di she s and ut ensils w hile t hey
are s til l h ot a nd more suscept ible to br eak age. The y will al so dry bet ter.
Switch Off the Dishwasher
, o nly in t his case the progr amm e has en ded.
1.Sw itch off t he di shwasher by p ressin g the ON/ OFF butto n.
2.Turnoff the water tap!
eAll th phase l ights are off
Open the door carefully.
Hot dishes are sensit ive to kn ocks. The di shes shou ld theref ore be a llowed to cool down arou nd 15 minutes
before removingfrom the appliance.
Open t he dish washer's door, l eave i t ajar and w ait a f ew mi nutes before rem oving the dishes. In this way they
will be cooler and t he dryi ng will b e impr oved .
Unloading the dishwasher
It is norm al that t he dish washe r is we t insid e.
will keep on working aft er 10 secon ds.
I f you open the doo r when washing, the m achine w ill pau se. Whe n you c lose the door , the mac hine
A forgotten dish can be added any time before the detergent cup opens.
Add forgotte n dishes.
Close the door
After the spra y arms stop working,you can open the door
comp letely.
Open the door a little to stop the washing.
Otherwise, the dete rgent may havea lready been
released, and the appliance may have already drained the wash water. If this
is the case, the detergent dispenser must be refilled (see the section entitled
" Loading the Detergent " ).
Press Start/Reset Button more than three seconds the mac hine will be in stand
by state ,then you can change the program to the desired cycle setting(see
the s ection entitled " S tarting a wash cycle. . ." ).
NOT E : I f you o pen t he d oo r dur i ng washin g, t he m a ch ine wi ll p ause . When y o u
close the door a nd press the start/reset Button, the machine will keep on
worki ng after 10 seconds .
The lights show the state of the dishwasher:
a)All ligh ts off------ ---------- ----------- -------On stand by
b) One of the ghts on----------------------Being paused
c) On e of the blinking----------------------Running
You can modi fy the was hing program, When the d ishwasher just
runs for a sho rt t ime.
Program indicator
Program indicator li
Program indicator light
Press the start/reset button
Press the start/reset button, the dishwasher will run
after 10 seconds.