SPT SD-2201W Dishwasher User Manual

The cont rol p ane l can be cleaned by u sing a l ig htly dampen ed cloth and dry tho roug hly.
The exteri or use a goo d appli an ce pol ish wax.
Never us e sh arp obj ects, scouring pads o r har sh c lea ners on a ny p ar t o ft he di shwasher.
Protect Against Freezing
1.Cut off el ectrica l pow er to the di shwasher.
2.Tur n off the water suppl y and d is connec t th e water i nlet pi pe from the w ater val ve.
3.Drain water from t he inle t pipe a nd water valve. (Use a pan t o catc h the wa ter)
4.Reconnect the water inlet pipe t o the wa te r valve.
5.Remove the filter at the bottom of the tub and use a sponge touse upwater in sump.
pl ease take fros t protection meas ures on d ishw ash er in win ter. E fter wash ing cycles,
pl ease op erate as follow s
ach t ime a
- Inspec t t he filte rs for blo ckin ge very time the dis hwa sher has bee n used.
- By uns crew ing the c oar se fi lter. you can remove the f ilter sys tem. Re move any foo d rem na nts a nd
clean the filters underrunningwater.
Cleaning The Filter
Cleaning The Door
To c le an the c o a rs e f il t er and the fi n e filter , us e a clean i n g brus h . Reas se mble t he f ilter par t s as shown in the figur es
in th e las t pag e and r einse rt the e ntire ass emb ly in the dish was her, pos itioning in its seat an d pre ssi ng do wnward .
The entire filter assembly should be cleaned once a week.
When cleaning the filters, don't knock on them. Otherwise, the filters could be
contorted and theperformance ofdishwasher could be debased.
To clean the edgearoundthe door, youshoulduseonly a soft warm,
damp c loth. To avoi d penetr atio n of wate r into th e door loc k and
electrical c ompone nts, do n ot u sea spray cl eane r of any kind .
Never u se a spr ay c leaner t ocl ean t he d oor panel as it m ay dam age the door loc k
and electrical components.
Abr asive ag ent or s ome paper towe l should not be u se d because o f the r isk of
sc r a t c hi ng o r le av i ng spot s on the st ai n les s ste el s ur fa ce.
I f y ou r dish was he r can n ot wor k bec a u s e o f the ice, ple a se c ont a ct pr o fes s ion al s ervic e p er so ns.