SPT SD-2201W Dishwasher User Manual

There are 3 sor ts of deterge nt s
1.With phosphate andwithchlorine
2.With phosph ate and without c hlorine
3.Wit hou t ph osphate and with out chloride
Based on their chemical composition, dishwasher can be split in twobasictypes:
The use of nor mal w ashi ng p rogramm es i n co nju nction w ith co nce ntrat ed d ete rgents
redu ces pollutio n and is good for your dish es ; thes e wash p rogr am me s are spec ially ma tched
to th e di rt- diss olvin g pro pert ies of the e nzyme s of the con cent rate d de terg ent. For this reas on
normal wash programmes inwhich concentrated detergentsare used canachieve thesame
results that can otherwise onlybe achievedusing intensive programmes.
Detergent tabletsof different brands dissolve at different speeds. For this reasonsome
dete rgen t tablets ca nnot dissolve and dev el op the ir full cl eanin g power dur ing s ho rt
programmes. Therefore please use long programmes whenusing dete rgenttablets, to
ensure the com plete r e moval of de ter g e n t re si du als.
Concentrated Detergent
Detergent Tablets
conventional, alkaline detergents with caustic components
l ow a lk al i nec onc ent r at ed deter ge nt s w ith natur a l e nzy mes
Normally ne w pu lverised dete rgent is wi th out phospha te. The wate r so ftene r functi on of
phosphate i s not gi ve n. I n th is c a se we recom m e nd to f i l l sal t in t h e sa lt co ntai n er even when
the hardnessof water is only 6 dH. If detergents without phosphate wereusedincase ofhardwater
often wh ite spots app ear at d ishes and gl asse s. In this cas ep lease add mo re de ter gent to re ach
better re sults . De t e r gents w i tho ut chlori n e do onl y bleach a lit t le. Stro ngan d c olo u red s p o ts will no t
r emov e d co mple t ely. I n t his cas e ple ase choose a pr o gramm e wit h hi g her Te mperatur e .
Detergent tablets are only for the models with 3 in 1 function or 3 in 1 p rogram.
Deterge nts w ith i ts ch em ical i ngre di ents are n ecessary t o remove d irt, c ru sh dir t an dt ranspo rt it out of th e di shw asher.
and dry.
Don't put powder detergent intothe dispenser until you're readyto wash dishes.
Use only deterge nt s pecificall ym ade for use in dis hwashers. K eep your det erge nt f resh
Proper Use of Detergent
Adjusting Rinse A id Dispenser
The r inse aid dis penser has fou r settings .The re commended settin g is o n "3" .
If the d ishes sti ll ar e not dr ying prop erly or ar e spot ted, a djust the dial t o t he
nex t high er numb er on "4 ".
Increase the dose if there are drops of waterorlimespots onthe dishes after washing.
Reduce it if there are sticky whitis hstains on your dish es or a bluish film on glassware or
knife blades.