SPT SD-2201W Dishwasher User Manual

Th e ri nse a id i s relea se d d uring t he fi nal ri nse to pr event wat er f rom for mi ng d roplets o ny o ur dis he s. Th at can l eave
spots and s treaks. It also improve sd rying by allow ing water to sheet off the dish es. Your di shw asher is d es ign ed to
use l iquid r ins e aids. The rin se a id dispense r is located inside t he do or next to the detergent di spens er. To fill the
dispenser,open the capand pour the rinse aidintothe dispenser until thelevel indicator turnscompletely black.
The vol ume of the r ins e aid container is about 110ml.
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Function of Rinse Aid
Rinse ai d is aut oma tic ally added d uring th e last r inse, ensur ing th orough rinsing, and spo t and s treak f ree dryi ng.
As th e rinse aid d iminishe s, t he siz e of th e black dot
onthe rinse aid level indicator changes, as illustrated below.
1 / 4 full - Should refill to eliminate spotting
Em pt y
When to Refill the Rinse Aid Dispenser
If th ere is no r ins e-aid war ning ligh t in the c ont rol panel , you can jud get he am oun t of rinse- ai d by t he color
oftheoptical level indicator located next to the cap. When therinse-aidcontainer isfull, the whole
indicato r will be dark .As t he rinse -aid dimini sh es, th e size o f the dark dot de creases. You shou ld neve r let
Only use branded rinse aid for dishwasher. Neverfill therinse aid dispenser with anyother substances
(e.g. Dishwasher cle aning ag ent, liqu id d eterg ent). Th is would dam age t he app lian ce.
To open t he d ispens er, t ur n the cap to the "open" ( le ft) arr ow and l ift it out .
Pour the rinse aid into the dispenser, beingcareful not tooverfill.
Re plac e the cap by inser ting it a lig ned w it h "ope n" ar row and t urnin g it t o the c losed (rig ht) a rro w.
dur ing the n ext was h.
Don't forget to replace the cap before you close dishwasher door.
Clea n up an y ri nse aid s pl it during fi lling with an abso rbent cl oth t o avoid exce ss ive foam ing