Amount of Detergent to Use
The disp enser must b e re fi lled be fore the star t of e ach was h cycle f ollowing the i nst ructi ons
provided i n the Wash Cycle Tab le . Yo ur di shw ashe r uses less d ete rgent an dr inse a id then
conventionaldishwasher. Generally, only one tablespoon of detergent isneededfor
a normal wash load.Also,moreheavilysoiled itemsneed more detergent.Always add the
dete rgen t j ust before st ar ti ng the dishwas her, othe rwis e it coul d ge t da mp a nd w ill n ot
di s sol v e properl y.
Detergent Dispenser
Always a dd the d etergent j us t b efore start ing ea ch wash cycl e.
Only use branded detergent aidfor dishwasher.
If the lid is cl osed: press rele ase button. T he lid spring s op en.
Detergent tablet
De tergen t pow der
Fill t he de ter gent disp enser w ith d etergen t.
Th e m ark ing in d i c ates th e dos i ng le vels , a s
illustrate d on right:
Th e place c an load 15g det erge nt .
The plac e can load 2 5g d etergen t .
Please o bse rve the m anufactur er s dosing and storage
Recommendations as stated onthedetergent packaging.
C l ose the li d a nd pre ss unt i l i t locks in p l ace .
I f t h e di shes are h eavil y soi l ed , pla c e an ad di ti o nal
detergent dosein the pre-wash detergent chamber.This detergent will take effectduring the pre-washphase.
Fill in detergent
You fi nd in for mation ab out the a mo unt o f det erg ent for th e single pro gram me on t he last p age .
Pl ea se aw ar e, tha t accord ing t o the lev el soiling and the spec ific har dnes s of wat er d iffer ence sa re possib le.
Pleaseobserve the manufacturer's recommendations on the de tergent packaging.
Dishwash er detergen t is co rrosive! Ta ke care to keep i t out of reach of c hildren.