Turbo Chef Technologies Tornado 2 Double Oven User Manual

IR Set Temperature
The operating temperature of the IR heating ele-
ment during a given recipe.
The IR heating element is the electrical heating ele-
ment located beneath the cooking rack which sup-
plies the heat used primarily to toast and/or brown
the underside of a product.
A portion of a recipe with unique air and microwave
settings. A recipe must contain at least one event,
and cannot contain more than six.
Within an event, the user can determine percentage
time, percentage air, and percentage microwave.
See page 17 for more detail.
Percentage (%) Time
Each event is a percentage (0-100%) of the total
cook time. The sum of all event percentages must
equal 100%.
Percentage (%) Air
  specifies the amount of impinge-
ment airflow (speed of convection motor) during an
event. Valid settings are 10 through 100%, in 10%
Percentage (%) Microwave (WAV)
  specifies the amount of
time microwave is present during an event.
Valid settings are 0 through 100%, in 10% incre-
ments. For example:
0% WAV = no microwave present during event.
50% WAV = microwave present for the first 5
seconds of a given 10 seconds within the event.
100% WAV = microwave present for all 10 of a
given 10 seconds within the event.
Cook Cavity Actual Temperature
The actual temperature of the cook cavity as regis-
tered by the cook cavity thermocouple.
Cook Cavity Set Temperature
A pre-defined temperature to which the cook cavity
will warm and at which the oven will cook.
The cook cavity set temperature applies to all recipes.
Idle IR Set Temperature
A pre-defined temperature to which the IR element
will warm and remain until a recipe is selected to
The idle IR set temperature is pre-determined by
the menu developer and should not be changed
unless authorized by the menu developer.
See page 18 for more detail.
Fault Code
A code that alerts the user a failure has occurred.
Upon discovering a fault, the display will repeatedly
flash the fault code and a brief description of the
Each fault is logged in the   
(see page 26 for more detail).
Error Message
A message that is displayed when an unusual event
occurs. The display will flash an error message only
when it occurs, and will not log the occurrence in
the   .
Self Test (STEST)
A special diagnostic function that tests all critical
subsystems to determine their operational state.