(Cooking with the Temperature Probe...contlnued)
Cook Temp
Touch the COOK TEMP Pad.
When you touch COOK TEMP. you tell the
microwave oven that you are going to use the probe The Cook Temp
INDICATOR will come on and the DISPLAY will show 2 zeros
Touch 7 For 160 F
Display Shows Selection
5. Touch in the Temperature Settlng You Want.
At the beginning of
this section we listed approximate temperatures and the NUMBER PAD
you use to touch in each. The temperature is also listed on the NUMBER
PAD In this example, an internal food temperature of 160 F. is touched
In with NUMBER PAD 7
I .
Touch START Pad.
When you touch the START Pad. the Start INDICATOR
WIII come on for a while to show you that the microwave oven has started
cooking. It WIII go off, but the Cook Temp INDICATOR will glow until the cycle
IS over
Display Shows Setting
Selected And Settmg
Sensed As Food Cooks
NOTE: The microwave oven will cook on HlGH (full power). You can
set a different cooking level...see next example.
WHATTO EXPECT: Remember the 2 zeros on the DISPLAY? The left one
was replaced by the number for the temperature setting you se-
lected (Step 5). The right zero is replaced by a number that tells you
the setting sensed by the probe. In this example, 7 was touched in
for 160 The 6 shows that the probe senses approximately 150
Using the Temperature Probe at
Dlff erent Power levels
Follow Steps 1 through 5 of Cooklng wlth the Temperature Probe
(pages 13 and 14).
2. Touch the COOK POWER Pad.
Before touching the START Command
Pad [you have already touched in the desired internal temperature). touch
the COOK POWER pad The Cook Power INDICATOR will come on and the
DISPLAY will show 2 zeros
3. Touch In the Cooklng level.
Here a 5 is touched for 50% of full
cooking power. The display will show 50.
Touch Number Pad
For Cook Power
4. Touch the START Command Pad.
When you’ve touched in the
, .
cooking level, you are ready to tell your microwave oven to start.