Using the Serve Time Feature
Jour m~cro’.vove ovw con
Drogran?r?ed lo stari
cook and
SIOD at CI time you select. automatlcal~~
eier wbI?r, \~CI crer. I hope
:,41her, dslr,g
foods lhol cc~r storld
the oven wlthout deterloratlng or spoiling
FcoCs shouid be tPSorough!y refrlgeroted or frozen
unfrozen food should not stand for more than two
hours before cooktng starts
4vold &ng dishes that reqcilre m0k or eggs creal,,
7 soups cooked meats, fish. poultry and baked goods with
k~r~r,g wwder or yeost Snx. -bed or f:ozeri
may be used Vegetables and cusserole-type foods ore
gocf2 cQzes
Serve Time When You Set the Cooking Time
When Do You
to Serve? You choose the time you want cooking done ‘f’our 711crowave oven figures
out when to start
2. Touch the SERVE TIME Pad.
The Serve Time INDICATOR WIII glow and
the D!SPLAY will show 4 zeros
H ’
3. Touch in the lime You Want the Food Flnlshed.
If you want
by 5 30. touch NUMBER PADS 5.3 and 0. In that order The DISPLAY
Touch Number
Pads In Order
4. Touch ln Cooklng Instructions.
Touch the defrost and or cycle pads. cooklng times, or temperature and
power levels just as you do when the oven IS to begtn cooklng Immediately. As long as you have touched SERVE
TIME InstructIons, cooklng won’t start right away
5. Touch START Command Pad.
The mlcrowave oven WI!/ start In time to
hove your lnstructlons completed at the ttme you touched ~n for SERVE TIME
It the DISPLAY beglns tlashlng, It means there Isn’t enough time lett tor the microwave oven to carry
out your lnstructlono before SERVE TIME, or that you have not set the clock to the correct time ot day.
Touch CANCEL and reset the oven for a later SERVE TIME.
When touching In Instructions.
the INDICATORS will come on as you touch the
commands They WIII stay on until you touch START Then, they wtll go off and only the START and SERVE TIME
indicators WIII be on.
If you open the door before SERVE TIME cooking begins or after cooking hcs started, you WI/I have tc retouch
START after you close the
HINT: You cannot set the SERVE TIME for more than 12 hours ahead of the time of day
showing on the
Serve Time When You Use the Temperature Probe
Touch the SERVE TIME Command Pad
2. Touch in the time you want food finished
3. Follow Instructions on pages 13 and 14 for plugging In the Temperature Probe, and touching In temperature
and cook power instructions.
NOTE: When cooking toward a Serve lime while using the Temperature Probe, the microwave oven Will
start cooking 90 minutes before the Serve Time You touch in. If the cooking tlme is less than 90 minutes.
set a later Serve Time.
Bi-level Oven Rack
Use the BI-LEVEL OVEN RACK when cooking more than one food. The rack
has two positions If dishes don’t fit properly, reverse the rack for more space
See BI-LEVEL COOKING GUIDE that is provided with the rack.
Wash in the top rack of dishwasher or wash by hand using a mild deter-
gent and a non-abrasive plastic scrubber or sponge Avold using harsh
abrasives or scouring pads
Use BI-LEVEL OVEN RACK only in your microwave oven.
Do not use in conventional ovens or under broiler
. Do not use in microwave oven without food.
. Do not use with browning dish
. Do not allow foods placed on rack to touch the top of the oven
Use only when cooking more than one food at a time
- Do not store rack in oven