@Never leave surface units unat-
*Turn pan handles inward, but
tray. Fla’ming grease outside of
not over other surface units.
This will help reduce the
an can be extin
uished with
aking soda or, i
available, a
chance of burns, i
niting of
flammable materia s,
and spills
multipurpose dry chemical or
foam-type extinguisher.
due to bumping of the pan.
Care and cleaning
When using the oven
@Do not soak removable heat-
Always position oven rack(s) in
desired location while oven IS
ing elements in water. The
element will be damaged and
cool. If a rack must be removed
shock or fire could result.
while oven is hot, do not let
potholder contact hot heating
*Do not clean door heat seal. It
element in oven.
is essential for a
ood seal.
Care should be ta
en not to
@Use care when opening oven
door. Let hot air or steam es-
rub, damage or move the seal.
Clean only parts recom-
cape before
removing or re-
mended in this Use and Care
placing food.
@Do not repair or replace any
part of the range unless spe-
Grease is flammable. Do not
cifically recommended in this
allow grease to collect around
manual. All other servicing
cooktop or in vents. Wipe spill-
should be referred to a quali-
overs immediately.
fied technician.
@Disconnect the electrical sup-
ply before servicing the range.