
N−1CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
Appendix N
Jupiter ASCII Communications Protocol
Revision E − November 10, 2005
Hardware connections for an external computer are shown on page 2−88.
Set−up in the Jupiter Control System File Server includes defining one or more ports as being ASCII in the Serial Proto-
col Table (page 5−30).
The control computer is identified on the MPK Devices table (page 5−123). You will need to define each port as being
type “Serial”, and give each port a CP Input set, CP Output Set and CP Level set. These sets will determine which levels,
inputs, and outputs are available to each ASCII port to control and status.
The ASCII Computer Interface is assigned to a system controller port and uses a simple ASCII data format defined be-
low. The serial protocol defaults to 9600 Baud, 8 Data Bits, No Parity, and 1 Stop Bit. Baud rates of 2400, 4800, 19.2K
and 38.4K are also user−configurable from the Jupiter Control System File Server. The control port uses XON (0x11) and
XOFF (0x13) to control command pacing if necessary.
All commands are in upper case ASCII. Space (0x20)
characters are optional and will be ignored. Each command is fol-
lowed by a carriage return (0x0D). If a line feed (0x0A)
is included it must follow the carriage return.
The controlling computer must take care to wait for a ZY or ZN response after each command before attempting to send
a subsequent command. Failure to do so will result in a ZN response, and possibly an XOFF condition. If switcher status
is received, wait for all levels to be statused before sending another command.
Here is a key to help you understand the following command descriptions:
OOO −−−> Router Switcher OUTPUT. This corresponds with the “Selection” number defined in this AS-
CII port’s CP Output Set. The range is from 000 to 999. (Previous releases had a range from
000 to 249.)
III −−−−−−−> Router Switcher INPUT. This corresponds with the “Selection” number defined in this ASCII
port’s CP Input Set. (Previous releases had a range from 000 to 249.)