
CM 4000 Installation and Operating ManualIndex−16
Loss, 5−21
Supply, control panels, 1−15
Power adapter (AC), Q−1
PowerPoint, Jupiter courses, xxv
PPM, defined, Glossary−8
Preroll, 5−140 , 6−132 , E−1
Primary status instruction, 5−64
defined, Glossary−8
command on Compile window, 5−13
commands on Options menu, 5−21
hardware connection, 2−36
Probe connector and cable, C−1
Production switcher. See Switcher, production
Program restart, B−1
Prompting, CP−3800, 6−51
PROMs, 1200/2400 baud for MPK control panel, 5−33
Protect, 6−12
See also Unprotect
CP−3000, 6−9
CP−3800, 6−61
CP−3808, 6−70
CP−3824, 6−79
CP−3830, 6−92
CP−3832/3864, 6−103
CP−3832L, 6−119
CP−3864L, 6−119
defined, Glossary−8
GUI panel, 7−8
Protocol guides, xxvi
PS−20, 2−38
PS−300, Q−1
Publications, related, xxv
Punctuation, in set, table, & device names, 5−7
Push button, 2−58
QD8, S−1
Quick start manual, xxv , 2−1 , 3−1 , 5−1
R, in GUI status display, 7−15
Rack mounting, 2−1
RCL, defined, Glossary−8
Re−legendable button kit, 5−101
Ready key, MC−3000 panel, 6−132
Board Info/Control menu, 9−4
CM, B−1
minimizing downtime with CM, 5−15
In key, MC−3000, 6−133
Mode key, MC−3000, 6−133
Out key, MC−3000, 6−132
Redundant, CM 4000. See CM 4000 redundant installa-
Refresh, defined, Glossary−8
Regulatory notices, xxxi
Relay descriptions (Standard tally), 5−152
Relays (MI/MC−3040), 2−78
Relegendable button kit, 5−101
Remapping, 16−1
PC. See PC remote unit
switcher, defined, Glossary−8
switcher (non−Crosspoint Bus), load factor, 1−18
switcher (third party), connecting to, 2−11
Repeater, G−4
defined, Glossary−8
Reset, CM−4000, B−1
Restart, Program, B−1
Retained level, Glossary−8
Retained levels. See Sticky levels
Returning merchandise, 2−1
Reverse, CP−3832/3864, 6−112
Reverse switcher
See also Data switcher
defined, Glossary−8
Rewind, MC−3000, 6−133
RFI modifications, 2−7 , 2−64
RGB switcher, Level menu entry, 5−42
Physical level no., 5−41