CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual Index−11
Hardware, address, defined, Glossary−5
Harris Automation, G−2
HD 482 S1, xxxiii
Hexadecimal−decimal−binary chart, D−1
General Purpose Interface, connnecting to, 2−23
serial protocol table entry, 5−32
Horizontal Line, G−12
Hot key. See Shortcut key
HRZ, 5−32
Hyphen, in set, table, & device names, 5−7
I (entry on switcher input menu), 5−64
I/O Set Editor, 10−1
password, 10−2
ICS, defined, Glossary−5
display on CP−3000, 6−21
display on CP−3800, 6−47
display on CP−3808, 6−72
display on CP−3830, 6−72
IEC, xxxiii
IEC 825, xxxiii
IEEE 802.3, 2−36
Image Video, TSI−100, hardware connection, 2−88
Imaginary switcher, 5−147
Indirect status instruction, 5−64
defined, Glossary−5
Input currently in use... (error message), 5−46
Entering # of, 5−51
Entering mnemonics for, 5−62 , 5−66
Entering name of, 5−51
Switcher Input table, 5−48
Inputs, Switcher, max no. of, 1−27
edit, 6−133
row, 5−4
Installation, 2−1
See also model number of product
Integrity Instruments, 2−62
Interface bus, defined, Glossary−5
IP address, network devices, 9−3
ISO 9001, xxxiv
JDS Systems, G−2
JEP−100, 1−29
entry on MPK devices table, 5−109
entry on Serial Protocol table, 5−33
manual, xxv
stereo special switching, Switcher description table
entry, 5−43
JNIA, defined, Glossary−5
Applications, 4−3
on Remote PC, 4−1
Board Status, 8−1
Control Center, 5−8 , 9−1
Board Info/Control, 9−3
Configuration, 9−6
Control Console, 4−1
CP I/O Set Editor, 10−1
defined, Glossary−5
Force Unlock/unprotect, 11−1
Logger and Log Viewer, 12−1
Physical Control, 14−1
Physical Remapping, 16−1
Router Control Utility, 17−1
Router Save/Restore, 18−1
Servers, defined, Glossary−5
TFTP Status, 9−2
Tools, 4−3
Utilities, 4−4
JNS Console.ini, 4−2
Jog, MC−3000, 6−133
defined, Glossary−5
Network Interface Application. See JNIA
Network Suite. See JNS
XPress. See XPress
Jupiter XPress, defined, Glossary−5