
CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual Index−17
switcher protocol, 5−43
RL11A, 2−38
Router. See Switcher, distribution
Router Control Utility, 17−1
Router Save/Restore utility, 18−1
Row editing, 5−4
RP 1/2/3 UMDs, 2−82
RS−232/422 converter
control panel connection, 2−62
Utah Scientific connection, 2−25
RS−232/422/423, switching. See Data switcher
Cable, Connection to system controller, 2−63
defined, Glossary−8
rsv files, 18−1
RTC, G−11
RV, 5−37
S (flashing), on VGA display, 6−139
S board. See SC−3000
S−T (on Swit. out menu), 5−56
Safe input, 5−46 , 5−47
Safe off time, Switcher Description table, 5−47
Safe time, Switcher Description table, 5−47
certification, xxxi
terms and symbols, xxvii
Salvo panel (GUI), 7−26
Salvo, defined, Glossary−8
CP Category set, 5−102
CP Input set, 5−67
CP Output set, 5−82
connecting to Jupiter, 2−65
CP I/O Set Editor, with, 10−1
tally, 2−65
Save/Restore utility, 18−1
SB, entry on Net Description table, 5−29
SC−3000, P−1
Scan rate, 9−5
SCP, defined, Glossary−8
SDI to NTSC/PAL Encoder, T−1
connecting to VM−3000, 1−11
Protocol selection, 5−43
Mark, E−1
mark key
MC−3000, 6−132
MCS−2000, 5−140
Security board, 5−55
Segment, G−4
defined, Glossary−8
Select, key, CP−3010, 6−134
Selected, set, 5−8
Semi−permanent linkage, 5−146
Sequence sets, 5−99
CP−3000, 6−17
CP−3800, 6−57
Sequencing, defined, Glossary−9
Sequential path finding
Hardware installation, 2−33
Table entry, 5−174
Bus, defined, Glossary−9
CP Category set type entry, 5−102
CP input set type entry, 5−67
CP output set type entry, 5−82
Data cable, 2−63
VDE modifications, 2−64
machine control, load factor, 1−18
MPK bus installation, 2−37
protocol table, 5−30
Server, defined, Glossary−9
Service information, ii
Set mark, E−1
Set mark key, 5−140
MC−3000, 6−132
Sets. See Configuration sets
Setup, Router Save/Restore, 18−1
Shuttle, MC−3000, 6−133
SI−3000, manual, xxv
Siemens, 2−58
Single−bus, defined, Glossary−9