7. System Configuration
Horizontal start position of source window in pixels referenced to the input source reference.
Vertical start position of source window in pixels referenced to the input source reference.
Horizontal size of source window in pixels (width)
Vertical size of source window in pixels (height)
Image 7-23
A Input signal
B Viewport creation
C Result signal to be displayed in the window Creating a ViewPort
By entering the coordinates
1. Click on the ’+’ or ’-’ button next to X, Y, W, H to create the desired viewport.
By dragging with the mouse
1. Click on the view Control icon. (image 7-24)
The View Control window reveals. (image 7-25)
- The colored window indicates the actual viewport for the indicated source. The color of the window
is the same as the color of the source in the system configuration window.
- The gray background with the indication ’Input source’ is the real size of the input source.
2. To resize the Viewport, move your mouse to a co
rner of the colored square. The cursor changes to a
white arrow. Hold down the left mouse button and move to the desired position. (image 7-26)
3. To move the viewport, move your cursor to the center area of the colored square, hold down the left
mouse button and move the complete square to the desired position on the input source. (image 7-27)
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005