7. System Configuration
The Preset web dialog box opens.
2. Select a used preset with the mouse. Use the scroll bar if necessary to reach preset 6 to 10.
The selected preset line becomes blue. (image 7-55)
3. Click on
to remove the selected preset.
4. A warning message will appear. (image 7-56)
Image 7-55
Image 7-56
7.4 Work Space Resolution
How to start up?
1. Click upon Options in the Window Input Box to reveal the Windowings Options page. (image 7-57)
Image 7-57
k space resolution input window
Size adjustment of the resolution
1. Adjust the size of the resolution of the work area using the buttons to either zoom in or out
of the window and display boxes.
The width and height aspect ratio change simultaneously according the adjustments.
See image 7-58, image 7-59.
2. Check the box to update immediately any changes made.
3. Click upon
to apply any changes made
4. Click upon
to exit without applying changes
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005