11. D320L Configuration
The following choices are possible:
Adjust the number of lines per
The processor will calculate the timings on Master digitizer.
When the calculated value of the number of lines is lower than
the active lines, an alert box will be displayed to try it via the
Adjust the number of pixels per line method.
Adjust the number of pixels per
The processor will calculate the timings on Master digitizer.
When the calculated value of the number of pixels per lines is
lower than the active number of pixels per line, an alert box will be
displayed to try it via the Adjust number of lines per field method.
When both methods give a alert box, it is not possible to lock on the selected source.
The Timings given in the New timings on Master Digitizer are given as information.
4. Click OK to continue.
Image 11-9
D320L sync generator, lock mode
Image 11-10
Lockmode window
Only available from digitizer firmware version 2.5.00 or higher.
164 R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005