5. Wall Positioning Page
5.2.5 Wall Positioning for MiPix
Give up the coordinates in pixels for the horizontal and vertical start position of the upper left corner of the
MiPix wall.
Normal values are :
• Horizontal = 52
Image 5-10
Tile resolution
The resolution depends on the selected working mode for MiPix.
The maximum default values are already filled in for th
e connected display. To change the resolution click
on the - or + button next to horizontal or vertical. The up scaling indication will change while clicking on
the + or - button.
MiPix setup
For more explanation see "MiPix setup", page 37.
Pixel gap
Number of pixels between 2 MiPix units.
Grid gap
Number of pixels between 2 strings (chains) of MiPixes. Column way and row way.
Overview of the wall dimensions.
Click on to apply this wall positioning.
When Only start pos is checked, only the start positions of each MiPiX module will be sent. This is a faster
update as the pixel mapping will not be sent to the MiPiX modules.
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005