13. Input Slots for D320 series
No DDC No DDC communication between graphic card and the input module
Custom Custom file will be used to force the graphic card into certain resolution
VGA 85Hz refresh rate
SVGA 60Hz refresh rate
XGA 60Hz refresh rate
SXGA 60Hz refresh rate
SXGA 75Hz refresh rate
SXGA 85Hz refresh rate
UXGA 60Hz refresh rate
The graphic card will boot up in the sele
cted display mode as far as the selected display mode is within
the card’s capabilities.
Before selecting Custom, place the corresponding file into the following directory : [install drive]:\Program
Files\Barco\XLite Toolset V2\LSToolset\Driver\DDCfiles.
The name of the file is standardized :
• for RGB analog module : D320rgban_custom.txt
• for DVI module : D320dvi_custom.txt
13.3 Input D320 YUV/RG(s)B
13.3.1 Settings start up
How to start up
1. Click against YUV/RG(s)B
input on the Input Slots part of the menu gives the YUV/RG(s)B
parameter window. (image 13-4)
2. Click on the
to return to the general D320 window.
3. Click on
to restore the default settings.
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005