5. Wall Positioning Page
For ILite 6/8/10/12, DLite,
SLite and OLite
Image 5-7
For ILite 3
Image 5-8
Tile resolution
Give up the tile resolution in pixels. (image 5-7)
The tile resolution depends on the type of wall.
Maximum default values are already filled in for the connected display. To change the resolution click on
the - or + button next to horizontal or vertical. The up scaling indication will change while clicking on the
+ or - button.
Overview of the wall dimensions.(image 5-7)
Rotation (only for ILite 3)
The result of combination of ILite 3 tiles can be landscape or portrait. As the content can be created in the
other direction, it is possible to rotate the content so that is perfectly displayed.
To rotate the content, click on the drop down box next to Rotation and select the desired rotation.
Rotating content for ILite3
The following rotations are possible:
• 90° clockwise
• 180°
• 90° counter clockwise
Click on to apply this wall positioning.
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005