24. Monitoring Page
LED status:
• Led is blinking : monitoring is running
• Led is not blinking : monitoring is stopped.
24.3 Monitor Settings
24.3.1 Temperature Control Set up
To set up the maximum allowed temperature of tiles. When this temperature is reached, the contrast of
the wall will be reduced so that the temperature will decrease. The reduction goes step by step until the
temperature is below the maximum allowed temperature. The reduction of the contrast continues until the
minimum contrast is reached, no further reduction is possible.
How to set up
1. Click on .
The Temperature set up control window appears. (image 24-3)
2. Enter the minimum contrast by clicking on the ’+’ or ’-’ button.
3. Enter the maximum temperature of the tiles by clicking on the ’+’ or ’-’ button.
4. Click on
5. Click on
to return to Monitoring start up page.
Image 24-3
24.3.2 Ambient Environment Control set up for Monitoring
• Monitor Settings
• AEC Settings Monitor Settings
How to set up
1. Set the maximum contrast by pushing the ’+’ or ’-’ key.
2. Set the minimum contrast by pushing the ’+’ or ’-’
3. Set the reaction slope by pushing the ’+’ or ’-’ key.
4. Click on
290 R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005