Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 1 Shelf and Backplane Hardware
1.17 1.17.2 Card Replacement
1.17.2 Card Replacement
To replace an ONS 15454 card with another card of the same type, you do not need to make any changes
to the database; remove the old card and replace it with a new card. To replace a card with a card of a
different type, physically remove the card and replace it with the new card, then delete the original card
from CTC. For specifics, refer to the “Install Cards and Fiber-Optic Cable” chapter in the Cisco ONS
15454 Procedure Guide.
Caution Removing any active card from the ONS 15454 can result in traffic interruption. Use caution when
replacing cards and verify that only inactive or standby cards are being replaced. If the active card needs
to be replaced, switch it to standby prior to removing the card from the node. For traffic switching
procedures, refer to the “Maintain the Node” chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide.
Note An improper removal (IMPROPRMVL) alarm is raised whenever a card is removed and reinserted
(reseated) is performed, unless the card is deleted in CTC first. The alarm clears after the card
replacement is complete.
Note In a path protection, pulling the active XCVT/XC10G without a lockout causes path protection circuits
to switch.
1.17.3 Ferrites
Place third-party ferrites on certain cables to dampen electromagnetic interference (EMI) from the ONS
15454. Ferrites must be added to meet the requirements of Telcordia GR-1089-CORE. Refer to the
ferrite manufacturer documentation for proper use and installation of the ferrites. Ferrite placements on
the ONS 15454 can include power cables, AMP Champ connectors, baluns, BNC/SMB connectors, and
the wire-wrap pin field.
15454_MRC-12 12 Up to 2488.32 Mbps
(STM-16), depending on
LC Faceplate
IO Short Reach/
Any Reach
1 9.95 Gbps (STM-64) LC Faceplate
1. When used as a protect card, the card does not have a physical external connection. The protect card connects to the working
card(s) through the backplane and becomes active when the working card fails. The protect card then uses the physical
connection of the failed card.
2. When used as a protect card, the card does not have a physical external connection. The protect card connects to the working
card(s) through the backplane and becomes active when the working card fails. The protect card then uses the physical
connection of the failed card.
3. These cards are designated as OC192-XFP in CTC.
Table 1-32 Card Ports, Line Rates, and Connectors (continued)
Card Ports Line Rate per Port Connector Types