Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Appendix C Network Element Defaults
C.3 C.3 Node Default Settings
C.3 Node Default Settings
Table C-20 on page C-76 lists the node-level default settings for the Cisco ONS 15454. Cisco provides
the following user-configurable defaults for each Cisco ONS 15454 node:
• Circuit settings—Set the administrative state and path protection circuit defaults, and whether to
have circuits send a payload defect indication condition (PDIP).
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.farend.1day.CV 250 (B3 count) 0 - 207360000
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.farend.1day.ES 200 (seconds) 0 - 86400
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.farend.1day.FC 40 (count) 0 - 6912
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.farend.1day.SES 7 (seconds) 0 - 86400
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.farend.1day.UAS 10 (seconds) 0 - 86400
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.15min.CV 25 (B3 count) 0 - 2160000
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.15min.ES 20 (seconds) 0 - 900
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.15min.FC 10 (count) 0 - 72
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.15min.NPJC-PDET 60 (count) 0 - 7200000
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.15min.NPJC-PGEN 60 (count) 0 - 7200000
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.15min.PJCDIFF 60 (count) 0 - 1200
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.15min.PJCS-PDET 100 (seconds) 0 - 7200000
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.15min.PJCS-PGEN 100 (seconds) 0 - 7200000
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.15min.PPJC-PDET 60 (count) 0 - 7200000
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.15min.PPJC-PGEN 60 (count) 0 - 7200000
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.15min.SES 3 (seconds) 0 - 900
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.15min.UAS 10 (seconds) 0 - 900
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.CV 250 (B3 count) 0 - 207360000
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.ES 200 (seconds) 0 - 86400
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.FC 40 (count) 0 - 6912
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.NPJC-PDET 5760 (count) 0 - 691200000
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.NPJC-PGEN 5760 (count) 0 - 691200000
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.PJCDIFF 5760 (count) 0 - 115200
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.PJCS-PDET 9600 (seconds) 0 - 691200000
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.PJCS-PGEN 9600 (seconds) 0 - 691200000
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.PPJC-PDET 5760 (count) 0 - 691200000
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.PPJC-PGEN 5760 (count) 0 - 691200000
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.SES 7 (seconds) 0 - 86400
MRC-12.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.UAS 10 (seconds) 0 - 86400
Table C-19 MRC-12 Card Default Settings (continued)
Default Name Default Value Default Domain