Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 8 Cisco Transport Controller Operation
8.5 8.5.2 Network View
8.5.2 Network View
Network view allows you to view and manage ONS 15454s that have DCC connections to the node that
you logged into and any login node groups you have selected (Figure 8-6).
History Provides a history of node alarms including date,
type, and severity of each alarm. The Session
subtab displays alarms and events for the current
session. The Node subtab displays alarms and
events retrieved from a fixed-size log on the
Session, Node
Circuits Creates, deletes, edits, and maps circuits and
Circuits, Rolls
Provisioning Provisions the ONS 15454 node. General, Ether Bridge, Network,
OSI, BLSR, Protection, Security,
SNMP, Comm Channels, Timing,
Alarm Profiles, Cross-Connect,
Defaults, WDM-ANS
Inventory Provides inventory information (part number,
serial number, Common Language Equipment
Identification [CLEI] codes) for cards installed
in the node. Allows you to delete and reset cards,
and change card service state. For more
information on card service states, see
Appendix B, “Administrative and Service
Maintenance Performs maintenance tasks for the node. Database, Ether Bridge, OSI, BLSR,
Software, Cross-Connect, Overhead
XConnect, Protection, Diagnostic,
Timing, Audit, RIP Routing Table,
Routing Table, Test Access, DWDM
Table 8-7 Node View Tabs and Subtabs (continued)
Tab Description Subtabs