Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 14 Alarm Monitoring and Management
14.3 14.3 Alarm Information
Note When an entity is put in the OOS,MT administrative state, the ONS 15454 suppresses all standing alarms
on that entity. All alarms and events appear on the Conditions tab. You can change this behavior for the
LPBKFACILITY and LPBKTERMINAL alarms. To display these alarms on the Alarms tab, set the
NODE.general.ReportLoopbackConditionsOnPortsInOOS-MT to TRUE on the NE Defaults tab.
Table 14-2 lists the color codes for alarm and condition severities. The inherited (I) and unset (U)
severities are only listed in the network view Provisioning > Alarm Profiles tab.
Note Major and Minor alarms might appear yellow in CTC under certain circumstances. This is not due to a
CTC problem but to a workstation memory and color utilization problem. For example, a workstation
might run out of colors if many color-intensive applications are running. When using Netscape, you can
limit the number of colors used by launching it from the command line with either the -install option or
the -ncols 32 option.
Shelf For dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) configurations, the shelf where
the alarmed object is located. Visible in network view.
Slot Slot where the alarm occurred (appears only in network and node view).
Port Port where the alarm is raised. For STSTerm and VTTerm, the port refers to the upstream
card it is partnered with.
Path Width Indicates how many STSs are contained in the alarmed path. This information
complements the alarm object notation, which is explained in the “Alarm
Troubleshooting” chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Sev Severity level: CR (Critical), MJ (Major), MN (Minor), NA (Not Alarmed), NR
(Not Reported).
ST Status: R (raised), C (clear), or T (transient).
SA When checked, indicates a service-affecting alarm.
Cond The error message/alarm name. These names are alphabetically defined in the “Alarm
Troubleshooting” chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Description Description of the alarm.
Table 14-1 Alarms Column Descriptions (continued)
Column Information Recorded
Table 14-2 Color Codes for Alarm and Condition Severities
Color Description
Red Raised Critical (CR) alarm
Orange Raised Major (MJ) alarm
Yellow Raised Minor (MN) alarm
Magenta Raised Not Alarmed (NA) condition
Blue Raised Not Reported (NR) condition
White Cleared (C) alarm or condition