Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 8 Cisco Transport Controller Operation
8.6 8.6 TCC2/TCC2P Card Reset
Whether you choose to print or export data, you can choose from the following options:
• Entire frame—Prints or exports the entire CTC window including the graphical view of the card,
node, or network. This option is available for all windows.
• Tabbed view—Prints or exports the lower half of the CTC window containing tabs and data. The
printout includes the selected tab (on top) and the data shown in the tab window. For example, if you
print the History window Tabbed view, you print only history items appearing in the window. This
option is available for all windows.
• Table Contents—Prints or exports CTC data in table format without graphical representations of
shelves, cards, or tabs. The Table Contents option prints all the data contained in a table with the
same column headings. For example, if you print the History window Table Contents view, you print
all data included in the table whether or not items appear in the window.
The Table Contents option does not apply to all windows; for a list of windows that do not support
print or export, see the Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide.
8.6 TCC2/TCC2P Card Reset
You can reset the ONS 15454 TCC2/TCC2P card by using CTC (a soft reset) or by physically reseating
a TCC2/TCC2P card (a hard reset). A soft reset reboots the TCC2/TCC2P card and reloads the operating
system and the application software. Additionally, a hard reset temporarily removes power from the
TCC2/TCC2P card and clears all buffer memory.
You can apply a soft reset from CTC to either an active or standby TCC2/TCC2P card without affecting
traffic. If you need to perform a hard reset on an active TCC2/TCC2P card, put the TCC2/TCC2P card
into standby mode first by performing a soft reset.
Note When a CTC reset is performed on an active TCC2/TCC2P card, the AIC-I cards go through an
initialization process and also reset because AIC-I cards are controlled by the active TCC2/TCC2P.
8.7 TCC2/TCC2P Card Database
When dual TCC2/TCC2P cards are installed in the ONS 15454, each TCC2/TCC2P card hosts a separate
database; therefore, the protect card database is available if the database on the working TCC2/TCC2P
fails. You can also store a backup version of the database on the workstation running CTC. This
operation should be part of a regular ONS 15454 maintenance program at approximately weekly
intervals, and should also be completed when preparing an ONS 15454 for a pending natural disaster,
such as a flood or fire.
Note The following parameters are not backed up and restored: node name, IP address, mask and gateway, and
Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) port. If you change the node name and then restore a backed up
database with a different node name, the circuits map to the new node name. Cisco recommends keeping
a record of the old and new node names.