Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 1 Shelf and Backplane Hardware
1.6 1.5.10 EIA Replacement
The A and B sides each host 16 high-density, 50-pin SCSI connectors. The A-side maps to
Slots 1 through 6 and the B-side maps to Slots 12 through 17.
In Software Releases prior to Release 5.0, UBIC-Hs support unprotected, 1:1, and 1:N (where N <
protection groups. In Software R5.0 and greater, UBIC-Hs additionally support available high-density
cards in unprotected and 1:N protection (where N <
2) protection groups.
Table 1-15 shows protection groups and their applicable slot assignments.
1.5.10 EIA Replacement
Before you attach a new EIA, you must remove the backplane cover or EIA already installed on the ONS
15454. Refer to the spare document(s) for the EIA type(s) you are removing and replacing for specific
1.6 Coaxial Cable
Caution Always use the supplied ESD wristband when working with a powered ONS 15454. Plug the wristband
cable into the ESD jack located on the lower-right outside edge of the shelf assembly.
When using ONS 15454 DS-3 electrical cables, the cables must terminate on an EIA installed on the
ONS 15454 backplane. All DS-3 cables connected to the ONS 15454 DS-3 card must terminate with
coaxial cables using the desired connector type to connect to the specified EIA.
The electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) performance of the node depends on good-quality DS-3
coaxial cables, such as Shuner Type G 03233 D, or the equivalent.
1.7 DS-1 Cable
DS-1 cables support AMP Champ connectors and twisted-pair wire-wrap cabling. Twisted-pair
wire-wrap cables require SMB EIAs.
1.7.1 Twisted Pair Wire-Wrap Cables
Installing twisted-pair, wire-wrap DS-1 cables requires separate pairs of grounded twisted-pair cables
for receive (in) and transmit (out). Prepare four cables, two for receive and two for transmit, for each
DS-1 facility to be installed.
Table 1-15 UBIC-H Protection Types and Slots
Protection Type Working Slots Protection Slots
Unprotected 1–6, 12–17 —
1:1 2, 4, 6, 12, 14, 16 1, 3, 5, 13, 15, 17
1:2 1, 2, 16, 17 3, 15
1:5 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 3, 15