Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards
5.7 5.7.2 G1K-4 Compatibility
If STS-24c circuits are not being dropped on the card, the full 48 STSs bandwidth can be used with no
restrictions (for example, using either a single STS-48c or 4 STS-12c circuits).
Note The STS-24c restriction only applies when a single STS-24c circuit is dropped; therefore, you can easily
minimize the impact of this restriction. Group the STS-24c circuits together on a card separate from
circuits of other sizes. The grouped circuits can be dropped on other G-Series cards on the ONS 15454.
5.7.2 G1K-4 Compatibility
The G1K-4 card operates with the XCVT, XC10G or XC-VXC-10G cards. With the XC10G or
XC-VXC-10G cards, you can install the G1K-4 card in Slots 1 to 6 and 12 to 17, for a total shelf capacity
of 48 Gigabit Ethernet ports. (The practical limit is 40 ports because at least two slots are typically
populated by optical cards such as OC-192). When used with the XCVT cards, the G1K-4 is limited to
Slots 5, 6, 12, and 13.
5.7.3 G1K-4 Card-Level Indicators
The G1K-4 card faceplate has two card-level LED indicators, described in Table 5-13.
5.7.4 G1K-4 Port-Level Indicators
The G1K-4 card has four bicolor LEDs (one LED per port). Table 5-14 describes the status that each
color represents.
Table 5-13 G1K-4 Card-Level Indicators
Card-Level LEDs Description
FAIL LED (Red) The red FAIL LED indicates that the card processor is not ready or that a
catastrophic software failure occurred on the G1K-4 card. As part of the boot
sequence, the FAIL LED is turned on, and it goes off when the software is
deemed operational.
The red FAIL LED blinks when the card is loading software.
ACT LED (Green) The green ACT LED provides the operational status of the G1K-4. If the
ACT LED is green, it indicates that the G1K-4 card is active and the software
is operational.
Table 5-14 G1K-4 Port-Level Indicators
Port-Level LED Status Description
Off No link exists to the Ethernet port.
Steady amber A link exists to the Ethernet port, but traffic flow is inhibited. For example,
a lack of circuit setup, an error on the line, or a nonenabled port might inhibit
traffic flow.