CHAPTER 10 Adding Optional Functionality to Adaptive Server
Configuration Guide 121
3. size of the new device (Meg): 5
4. Device size for auditing:5
3 Select each remaining entry you want to change.
4 Press Ctrl+A to save the new entries.
Installing online help for Transact-SQL syntax
This section provides instructions for installing online help for Transact-SQL
Online syntax help: sp_syntax
The $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/scripts directory contains scripts for installing
the syntax help database,
sybsyntax. You can retrieve this data with sp_syntax.
For more information on
sp_syntax, see the Reference Manual.
The scripts directory contains one or more of the
sp_syntax scripts shown in
Table 10-1, depending on which Sybase products are included with your
Table 10-1: sp_syntax installation scripts
All Adaptive Server installations include the ins_syn_sql script. This script
includes syntax information for Transact-SQL, the system procedures, and the
Sybase utilities. When you execute this script, you install the SQL portion of
sybsyntax database.
Script Product
ins_syn_cl Open Client Client-Library™
ins_syn_esql Embedded SQL™
ins_syn_os Open Server
ins_syn_sql Transact-SQL