CHAPTER 5 Setting Up Communications Across the Network
Configuration Guide 61
Using one network-independent DSQUERY name
If uniform client DSQUERY naming is important, you can make the necessary
changes in the network addressing of the clients in the interfaces file. You can
install separate Sybase installation directories and distinct interfaces files on
client file servers on each network to allow users to connect to the correct
network address. Instead of altering the DSQUERY name the clients use, you
maintain one DSQUERY name for all clients, on all networks, and alter each
network’s interfaces file accordingly.
This method assumes that:
• You have complete control over what the Sybase installation clients see on
each network.
• The interfaces file (at the very least) is not shared or copied among Sybase
installations on different networks.
The interfaces file looks like the following example on the “engineering”
<tab>query tcp ether SERV_ENGNET 5470
<tab>master tcp ether SERV_CORPNET 4559
<tab>master tcp ether SERV_ENGNET 5479
The interfaces file looks like the following example on the “corporate”
<tab>query tcp ether SERV_CORPNET 4559
<tab>master tcp ether SERV_CORPNET 4559
<tab>master tcp ether SERV_ENGNET 5479
The “query” line in each file name is different, depending on the network to be
The full “master” entry is present in both files. This is allowed because only
Adaptive Server will use the “master” lines. Assuming that the server host
machine can see both networks (both host names are interchangeable), it does
not matter which interfaces file is used for Adaptive Server start-up.
Using different DSQUERY names
To use different DSQUERY names for each network listener:
1 Choose an additional server name.