Configuration Guide 129
query port backup configuration 62
query service type 56
retry_attempt component 56
servername component 56
service_type component 56
spaces in 55
tab characters in 55
unique elements in entries 59
used by clients 51
international systems
support for 81
Sybase support for 81
interpubs sample database 7
iostat command
IBM RS/6000 44
Sun Solaris 44
iso-Latin1 character set 83
Japanese sample database 7
jpubs sample database 7
kill command 26, 28
Korean character sets 87
language Modules 82
language modules 93
default 47
installing new 93
localization files 82
memory requirements for 98
changing 97
error reporting in specific 95
selecting message 93
translation support 81
Latin character sets 86
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable 4
access restrictions 70
adding a server 76
defined 69
directory definitions 71
directory schema 73
enabling 74
multiple directory services 77
sample entry 72
specifying in libtcl.cfg 73
versus the interfaces file 70
LDAP libraries
environment variables 75
location of 75
LDAP server
using dsedit to add and modify 76
defined 74
example 74
keywords 75
letter case in sort orders 91
LIBPATH environment variable 4
libtcl*.cfg file 73
format of 74
location of 74
purpose of 73
password 78
limits for file descriptors 35
listener service 52
loc files 95
local date, time, and currency formatting 95
locales directory 94
locales.dat file 95
localization 81
changing the configuration 97
common, information 95
localization support 47
loghost in interfaces files 59
root 3
sa 3
superuser 3
sybase 3
.login file 29