System-specific issues
2 Adaptive Server Enterprise
Adaptive Server also:
• Manages multiple databases and multiple users
• Keeps track of the data’s location on disks
• Maintains the mapping of logical data description to physical data storage
• Maintains data and procedure caches in memory
Adaptive Server uses these auxiliary programs to perform dedicated tasks:
• Backup Server manages database load, dump, backup, and restoration
• Monitor Server keeps track of performance data.
• Historical Server obtains performance data from Monitor Server and saves
the data in files for use at a later time.
• XP Server stores the extended stored procedures (ESPs) that allow
Adaptive Server to run operating-system and user-defined commands.
System-specific issues
Adaptive Server runs on a variety of hardware and operating system platforms.
System-specific issues do not affect the basic functionality of Adaptive Server,
but there are differences among platform implementations. These differences
may include:
• Adaptive Server configuration
• Changes to the operating system that enable or enhance Adaptive Server
• The structure of entries in the interfaces file
• Options for selecting database devices
• Operating system commands or utilities that simplify or automate routine
system administration tasks
• Operating system utilities for monitoring Adaptive Server performance
System-specific issues are described in this document. For more information
about system-specific issues, see the Installation Guide and release bulletin for
your platform.