Configuring new servers with srvbuild
30 Adaptive Server Enterprise
You may want to verify that the Adaptive Server environment variables in
Table 3-1 are set correctly.
To check the current value of environment variables, enter the following
command at the operating system prompt:
Table 3-1 describes the system environment variables for Adaptive Server.
Table 3-1: System environment variables
Configuring new servers with srvbuild
To configure new servers with srvbuild:
1 Source SYBASE.csh or SYBASE.sh file in $SYBASE to setup the
environment variables.
2Run $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/bin/srvbuild.
3 The Select Servers to Build window displays. Choose the servers you want
to configure by clicking the boxes on the left. When you select each of the
boxes, the server name text field is enabled where you can enter the server
Note The list of “Server type” available for you to choose depends on
what you have installed in $SYBASE.
4 When you have selected the servers you want to build, click OK The next
screen or screens displays information depending on what you chose to
Variable Sample value Function
DSLISTEN TEST Used at Adaptive Server start-up; enables the
specified Adaptive Server to listen for input
from front-end software.
DSQUERY TEST Defines the Adaptive Server to which local
client applications connect.
PATH /usr/bin:/etc:
Appends the full path to the Adaptive Server
bin subdirectories.