CHAPTER 1 Introduction
Configuration Guide 15
Adaptive Server extended-limit capabilities vary by type of table and the
database logical page size. Table 1-2 lists the column and row limits for
allpages-locked (APL) tables.
Table 1-2: Allpages-locked (APL) tables
Table 1-3 lists the column and row limits for data-only-locked (DOL) tables.
Table 1-3: Data row and data page tables.
Database space requirements depend upon the logical page size of the server.If
model database is larger than the minim size listed below, then the
minimum size of the database is equal to the
model database. Table 1-4 lists the
minimum size for each database.
Table 1-4: Database requirements for varying page sizes
Practical number of databases
participating in one query
16 Includes each occurrence of each
database queried and
tempdb, if it
is used for results or worktables
Maximum number of tables with
referential integrity constraints
for a query
Procedure specifications
Number of buffers and
procedure buffers
Configurable Limited by amount of RAM and
maximum size of shared memory
Minimum memory required per
stored procedure
Maximum number of parameters
per stored procedure
Maximum APL table
Number of
Column size
2K page
Column size
4K page
Column size
8K page
Column size
16K page
Fixed-length column 1024 1960 bytes 4008 bytes 8104 bytes 16296 bytes
Variable-length column 254 1948 bytes 3988 bytes 8068 bytes 16228 bytes
Maximum DOL table
Number of
Column size
2K page
Column size
4K page
Column size
8K page
Column size
16K page
Fixed-length column 1024 1958 bytes 4006 bytes 8102 bytes 16294 bytes
Variable-length column 1024 1954 bytes 4002 bytes 8089 bytes 16290 bytes
Databases 2K page 4K page 8K page 16K page
master database 13MB 26MB 52MB 104MB