How Adaptive Server determines which directory service entry to use
50 Adaptive Server Enterprise
Servers also need network information. When a server starts up, it looks in its
interfaces file to determine where to listen for client connection requests. In
addition, Adaptive Server can take on a client role when it makes remote
procedure calls to other Adaptive Servers.
Table 5-1 shows where to find more information on server and client interfaces
file tasks and topics.
Table 5-1: Where to find interfaces file tasks and topics
How Adaptive Server determines which directory
service entry to use
Adaptive Server uses directory services to determine the address at which it
should listen for clients. When you start Adaptive Server, it performs the
following steps:
1 It looks for the server name supplied in the command line
-s option. If the
server name is not supplied in the command line:
2 It determines its own name by checking the value of the DSLISTEN
environment variable. If the DSLISTEN environment variable is not set,
then it assumes that the server name is SYBASE.
Type of
interfaces file Task or topic See
UNIX server or
Adding entries for multiple
Adaptive Server installations
Chapter 7, “Customizing Localization for Adaptive
Creating a master interfaces file
for multiple installations
“Creating a master interfaces file” on page 58
Configuring for multiple networks “Configuring interfaces files for multiple networks” on
page 59.
Reference information “Understanding the format of the interfaces file” on
page 55.
PC-client Configuring a client Installation Guide for your platform
Reference information and
instructions for advanced tasks
Open Client and Open Server Programmer’s Supplement
for your PC-client platform, or the appropriate Open
Client documentation
Client platforms
not listed
Configuring, reference
information, and instructions for
advanced tasks
Open Client and Open Server Programmer’s Supplement
for your PC-client platform, or the appropriate Open
Client documentation