
Operation and Setup, cont’d
PVS 204SA Switcher • Operation and Setup
Gain control
Individual channel input sensitivity control
Individual channel input gain control adjustments are made by rotating the encoder
while pressing in the selected input button. The adjustment range is -18 dB to
+24 dB, with the default set at 0 dB.
Adjusting input sensitivity for all inputs ensures that all inputs are at the same
level, and at the highest level possible before clipping occurs.
Individual channel input gain levels either adds to or subtracts from the overall
(global) power amplifier gain level per channel.
Front panel input sensitivity adjustment
Upon initial power up of the switcher, the amplifier level is automatically
adjusted to 50% (0 dB).
To make sure the right input sensitivity is attained, do the following:
1. Press and hold the selected input button for 3 seconds; the input’s LED blinks.
2. While still pressing the input button, rotate the level encoder until the clip
LED blinks (see “Clipping indicator” section, on the next page), then rotate it
back down until the blinking ceases.
Having the audio level beyond the point at which the clip LED flashes
results in a distorted output signal (clipping).
3. When the minimum (-18 dB) or the maximum (+24 dB) is reached, the
Min/Max LED (see gure 3-6) lights red and ashes for approximately
0.3 seconds.
This LED lights solid
when maximum volume
or level is attained.
Figure 3-6 — Front panel audio Min/Max LED and recessed encoders
If the setting is left at the extreme minimum or maximum, the LED stays on,
then extinguishes after approximately a quarter of a second.
Individual gain adjustment can also be made by RS-232 control as shown in
chapter 4, “Serial Communication”.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for the other inputs as desired.
Amplier level control
Amplifier level control is adjusted via the recessed power amplifier level encoder
(potentiometer) marked “Level” on the front panel. The encoder has 20 detents
(steps) per revolution, each step making a 1 dB change. The adjustment range is
-10 dB to +10 dB with the default set at 0 dB. To make adjustments, use a Tweeker
or other small screwdriver to rotate the encoder as desired.
When the minimum (-10 dB) or the maximum (+10 dB) is reached, the
Min/Max LED (see figure 3-6) lights red and flashes twice, at approximately
a 0.3 second interval. If the setting is left at the extreme minimum or maximum,
the LED stays on, then extinguishes after approximately a quarter of a second.