Serial Communication, cont’d
PVS 204SA • Serial Communication
X$ = 0 – 14, bass and treble adjustment range
(+/- 10.5 dB: 1.5 dB increments/decrements),
default = 7 = 0 dB
Value (dB)
0 -10.5
1 -9
2 -7.5
3 -6
4 -4.5
5 -3
6 -1.5
7 0
8 +1.5
9 +3
10 +4.5
11 +6
12 +7.5
13 +9
14 +10.5
X% = -10.5 to +10.5, bass and treble, readout in dB
X^ = 0 – 100, volume, default = 50
X& = 0 – 24, input gain adjustment range, default = 0, in dB
X* = 1 – 42, input attenuation adjustment range, in dB
X( = -18 to + 24, input gain and attenuation readout, in dB
X1) = -10 through +10, power amp gain readout, in dB
X1! = Status
1 = single mode
2 = separate switcher mode
X1@ = 0 thru 20, power amp attenuation adjustment range,
(where 0 = -10 dB, 20 = + 10 dB, in 1 dB increments/decrements)
X1# = Status
0 = not present/malfunction
1 = present/OK
X1$ = Internal temperature
X1% = Group
2 = composite video/vid
X2! = Version (X.XX)
X2@ = RGB delay in 0.5 second steps;
0 = 0 seconds, 1 = 0.5 seconds, ...10 = 5.0 seconds
Factory defaults
Input Audio Gain X& = 0
Power Amp Gain
X1) = 0
X^ = 50
Bass Level
X$ = 7
Treble Level
X$ = 7
Switcher Mode
X1! = 1
Audio Output
X@ = 2
Clip Limiter
X# = 0
X# = 0