PVS 204SA • Serial Communication
Command/response table for SIS commands
Command ASCII Command Response Additional description
(host to switcher) (switcher to host)
Input selection
Select an input (video and audio) X! ! Chn X! ] (single sw. mode) Select input X! (video and audio).
Example: 2! Chn2 ] (single sw. mode) Select input 2.
Select an input (video and audio) X! * X1% ! Chn X1% * X! ! ] (sep. sw. mode) Select input X!
(composite video).
Example: 1*2! Chn1*2 ] (sep. sw. mode) Select input 1 of the composite
video group.
Select an audio input X! $ Aud X! ] Select input X! audio only.
Select a video input (single sw. mode) X! & Vid X! ] Select input X! video only.
Select a video input (sep sw. mode) X1% * X! & Vid X1% * X! ] Select input X! video in group
X1% only.
Audio gain/attenuation (per input)
N The set gain (G) and attenuation (g) are case sensitive.
Set a specific input’s gain. X!*X& G InX! Aud=X( ] Set a single input’s gain (in dB).
Example: 2*9G In2 Aud=+09 ] Set input 2’s gain to +9 dB.
Set a specific input’s attenuation
X!* X* g In X! Aud= X( ] Set an input’s attenuation (in dB).
Example: 1*12g In1 Aud=-12 ] Set attenuation to -12 dB.
N Aux/Mix input is input 7.
Increment a specific input’s gain X!*+G In X! Aud= X( ] Increase an input’s gain by 1 dB.
Decrement a specific input’s gain X!*-G In X! Aud= X( ] Decrease an input’s gain by 1 dB.
View a specic input’s gain X!*G In X! Aud= X( ] Show an input’s audio level.
Set the current input’s gain X& G In X! Aud= X( ] Set the current input’s gain (in dB).
Set the current input’s attenuation X* g In X! Aud= X( ] Set the current attenuation
(in dB).
Increment the current input’s gain +G In X! Aud= X( ] Increase the gain by 1 dB.
Decrement the current input’s gain -G In X! Aud= X( ] Decrease the gain by 1 dB.
View the current input’s audio gain G In X! Aud= X( ] Show the audio level.
Audio treble adjustment (applies to inputs 1-4)
N Treble and bass are strictly global commands. They will only adjust twisted pair audio signals, not Aux/Mix signals.
Set the treble level X$ > Trb=X% ] Set the global treble level.
Example: 2> Trb=-7.5 ] Set treble to -7.5 dB.
Increment the treble level + > Trb=X% ] Increase the treble by 1.5 dB.
Decrement the treble level – > Trb=X% ] Decrease the treble by 1.5 dB.
View the treble level > Trb=X% ] Show the current treble level.
Audio bass adjustment (applies to inputs 1-4)
N Treble and bass are strictly global commands. They will adjust only twisted pair audio signals, not Aux/Mix signals.
Set the bass level X$ < Bas=X% ] Set the global bass level.
Example: 10< Bas=+4.5 ] Set the bass to +4.5 dB.
Increment the bass level + < Bas=X% ] Increase the bass by 1.5 dB.
Decrement the bass level – < Bas=X% ] Decrease the bass by 1.5 dB.
View the bass level < Bas=X% ] Show the current bass level.
Audio mute
Mute on 1Z Amt X# ] Mute audio output.
Mute off 0Z Amt X# ] Unmute audio output.
View the audio mute status Z Amt X# ] Show the status of audio mute
0= off, 1 = on.