
PVS 204SA • Serial Communication
Command/response table for special function SIS commands
The syntax for setting a special function is __ * X? #, where __ is the function number and X? is the value. To
view a function’s setting, use __#, where __ is the function number. In the following table the values of the
X? variable are different for each command/function. These values are given in the right-most column.
Command ASCII Command Response X? values
(host to switcher) (switcher to host) and additional descriptions
Zap (reset to default settings)
Zap all PVS settings/memories E zXXX ] ZapXXX ] Reset everything (all settings
and adjustments) to the factory
Delay times
Set the RGB delay 3 * X2@ # RGBDly*X2@ ] 0 = 0.0 seconds (default),
1 = 0.5 seconds, 2 = 1.0 seconds,...,
in ½ second steps up to
10 = 5.0 seconds.
Example: 3*7# RGBDly*07] Set a 3.5 second RGB delay.
View the RGB delay 3# RGBDly*X2@ ]
Audio output mode
View the audio output mode status 18# PreAmpMod* X@ ] View the audio outputs
(1 = dual mono, 2 = stereo).
N This command indicates whether the Audio Output Mode DIP switch on the rear panel of the PVS 204SA is set to
Stereo mode or Dual Mono.
Loudness control
Set the loudness to off 29 * 0 # Loudness*0 ]
Set the loudness to on 29 * 1 # Loudness*1 ]
View the loudness control 29 # Loudness*X# ] 0 = Off, 1 = On
Switcher mode selection
N Audio follows the last video/RGB selection in Separate Switcher mode.
Set to single switcher mode 1 * 1 # SwMode*1 ]
Set to separate switcher mode 1 * 2 # SwMode*2 ]
View the switcher mode 1 # SwMode*X1! ] 1 = single, 2 = separate
Auto Switching selection
Set auto switching to on 72 * 1 # Asw*1 ]
Set auto switching to off 72 * 0 # Asw*0 ]
View the auto switching setting 72 # Asw*X# ] 0 = off, 1 = on
Power Amp Gain/Attenuation
Set the attenuation (-dB) 56 * X1@ # AmpLimit*X1) ] X1@ = 0-20 power amp range
View the input gain 56 # AmpLimit*X1) ] X1) = -10 to +10 dB (in 1 db
Clip Limiter switch control
Set the Clip Limiter switch to off 59 * 0 # ClipLimit*0 ]
Set the Clip Limiter switch to on 59 * 1 ClipLimit*1 ]
View the Clip Limiter control 59 # ClipLimit*X# ] 0 = off, 1 = on