User Manual
Network screen ( Setup | Network )
The Network screen establishes the IP addressing for a network connection that you can use to flash software
upgrades over a standard IP connection to the dome via its Ethernet connection.
Figure 19. Network screen ( Setup | Network )
Title font size The camera title will appear on screen in the font size selected.
Choices are as shown. Default is 26 pt.
Title font weight The camera title will appear on screen in the font weight selected.
Choices are as shown. Default is Bold.
Block color You can create a block (background) that offsets the camera title from the
video behind it. The block will appear on screen in the color selected.
Choices are as shown. Default is Black.
Block transparency You can set the block (background) to be a solid color or a transparency. The
block will appear on screen in the transparency selected.
Choices are as shown. Default is No color.
Installation date Enter the actual date of installation for your camera. Include the punctuation
in the format shown.
When flashing software upgrades to the dome over a standard IP network via the dome's Ethernet
connection, ensure that the network is secured from unauthorized access. Like all Ethernet connections, the
dome's Ethernet connection has no security against unauthorized access. You may consider connecting the
Ethernet cable only when you are flashing the dome, unless you have the dome connected to a secure,
isolated network.
IP address Enter the IP address of the dome.