User Manual
Priority screen ( Alarms | Priority )
You can assign a priority ranking to your alarms that is independent of their contact numbers. The topmost
alarm in the priority list is the highest priority regardless of the alarm’s number, while the bottommost alarm is
the lowest priority. If more than one alarm is activated sequentially, only the highest priority alarm is actioned.
If several alarms are activated at the same time, then the one with the highest priority is actioned. After that
alarm has cleared, the next highest priority alarm will be actioned only if it is still active (for instance, a door is
still open). Alarms are not held in a queue.
Figure 43. Priority screen ( Alarms | Priority )
Relay 2 Each Relay feature associates one relay action with an alarm. Relays can be
used to trip such devices as speakers, doors, and DVMRs. Each alarm can be
programmed with up to three actions (one dome action and two relay actions).
You can set both relays to activate with an alarm. An action is not required.
Choices are No action (default), On, and Off.
Duration The Duration feature defines how long the relay is active.
Choices are Infinite (default) and seconds (1, 2, 3, 5, 15, 30, and 60). The
Infinite duration does not end unless another alarm is tripped.
Note: Remember to select OK to save any changes you make on the page.
Reset The Reset button reorders the alarms in numerical order.
Raise priority The Raise priority button moves a selected alarm up in the priority list. Select
an alarm, then select Raise priority to move it up in the list.
Lower priority The Lower priority button moves a selected alarm down in the priority list. Select
an alarm, then select Lower priority to move it down in the list.