Contact Setup screen ( Alarms | Contact Setup )
The Contact Setup screen is where you define the individual alarms. For tips, see Programming tips for dome
alarms on page 46.
Figure 42. Contact Setup screen ( Alarms | Contact Setup )
Note: Remember to select OK to save any changes you make on the page.
Contact no. The Contact no. drop-down box allows you to select the alarm number that
you want to program.
Contact type Alarm contacts are identified as N/O (normally open) or N/C (normally closed).
Default is N/O.
Contact name The Contact name box allows you to give your alarms unique titles. Default
numerical titles are provided. There is a 60-character limit for all titles, but be
aware of how much video you want to cover with your titles.
Action The Action feature associates an action with an alarm. An action is not required.
Choices are None (default), Preset, Tour, and Macro. If you select preset, tour,
or macro, the Action number feature is activated to let you select a specific one.
Action number The Action number feature lets you select a specific preset, tour, or macro, if
you selected preset, tour, or macro in the Action feature.
Relay 1 Each Relay feature associates one relay action with an alarm. Relays can be
used to trip such devices as speakers, doors, and DVMRs. Each alarm can be
programmed with up to three actions (one dome action and two relay actions).
You can set both relays to activate with an alarm. An action is not required.
Choices are No action (default), On, and Off.
Duration The Duration feature defines how long the relay is active.
Choices are Infinite (default) and seconds (1, 2, 3, 5, 15, 30, and 60). The
Infinite duration does not end unless another alarm is tripped.