Exposure For the duration of this preset, you can change the camera’s Exposure setting.
Exposure is a feature that establishes what controls the light coming into the
camera through the lens.
Note: The Day/Night feature works only if the Exposure feature is set to Auto or
Return to auto. See Interrelationship between the Exposure and Day/Night
features on page 64.
Choices are Auto (default), Shutter, Iris, and Manual.
• Auto: Selecting this feature makes the camera determine what
features (iris aperture, gain, shutter speed, or combination thereof)
control the incoming light. You will not be able to set values for iris,
gain, or shutter speed.
• Shutter: The set shutter speed controls the length of time that the
aperture is open to let light into the camera through the lens. You will
not be able to set values for iris or gain. The choices for shutter speed
are as shown.
Use the zoom +/- key on the keypad to scroll through the choices,
then press the iris + or the set ( ) key on the keypad to save
(accept) the changed value or press the iris - or esc key to cancel
(abort) the changed value.
• Iris: The set iris F-stop controls the size of the aperture that lets light
into the camera through the lens. You will not be able to set values for
gain or shutter speed. The choices for iris F-stop are as shown.
Use the zoom +/- key on the keypad to scroll through the choices,
then press the iris + or the set ( ) key on the keypad to save
(accept) the changed value or press the iris - or esc key to cancel
(abort) the changed value.
• Manual: You control the light coming into the camera through the
lens by setting specific values for iris, gain, and shutter speed. The
choices are as shown. After selecting the Manual option, select Set to
access each shutter, iris, and gain controls. The choices for each are as
Use the zoom +/- key on the keypad to scroll through the choices,
then press the iris + or the set ( ) key on the keypad to save
(accept) the changed value or press the iris - or esc key to cancel
(abort) the changed value.