User Manual
Alarms menu
You can program up to eight alarm inputs and two relay outputs per dome. Each alarm input can call up
(display) any preset, macro (preset tour or programmed routine), or ShadowTour. The eight alarms are
numbered from 1 to 8.
Programming tips for dome alarms
Legend domes do not handle alarms the same way as most other alarm equipment. You need to be aware of the
differences to manage the dome’s inputs and outputs effectively. Here are some key concepts.
• You can set each alarm to have up to three components: a dome action (preset, tour, or macro), a
relay 1 action (on or off), and a relay 2 action (on or off). The relays can be used to trip such devices as
lights, doors, or DVMRs. A dome action is not required. You could have an alarm just action one or
both relays.
• The priority that you set for the alarms determines which one is actioned.
• When an alarm action is set to a preset, tour, or macro, the camera will remain with that action until the
operator issues another camera command from the keypad. The Resume feature is disabled by alarms.
• Alarms are not held in a queue. Only the highest priority alarm that is activated is actioned. If several
alarms are activated at the same time, then the one with the highest priority is actioned. After that
alarm has finished, the next highest priority alarm will be actioned only if it is still active. If a higher
priority alarm is activated while a lower priority alarm is being actioned, then the higher priority alarm
overrides the lower priority alarm and is actioned instead. After the higher priority alarm has finished
being actioned, then the first, lower priority alarm will have its action restarted only if it is still active.
• You do not need to acknowledge dome alarms in the same sense as required by typical alarm
equipment. To move the camera from the position of the alarmed action and reenable the Resume
feature, however, you do need to issue a command from the keypad.
• The only time you need to “clear” a relay state is when you have set a relay with the Infinite duration.
• If you have a relay set to the Infinite duration, you can clear it (turn it off) one of three ways. One, you
can manually clear it by selecting a Relay Off button on the Relay State screen. Two, you can
automatically clear it by using another programmed alarm number that sets that relay with a duration
of at least one second. And three, you can clear it with a remapped preset command that activates a
macro from the keypad. To remap preset commands, see Command Map screen ( Control | Command
Map ) on page 54. An example of the second scenario would be Alarm 1 being used with a badge
reader to open a door and Alarm 2 being used with a PIR on the other side of the door to lock the door.
Alarm 1 would energize a relay with an infinite duration to open the electronic door lock and Alarm 2
would deenergize the relay with at least a one-second duration to close the electronic door lock.
• If you select the Relay 1 on or the Relay 2 on button on the Alarms | Relay State page, and select OK,
then you are programming the dome to activate either or both of these relays each time the dome is
powered up. The relay action becomes a default.
• Even though you can create an alarm block title and alarm titles that are up to 60 characters, 15
characters we suggest to reduce the size of the video obstruction.