User Manual
Title font weight Alarm titles will appear on screen in the font weight selected.
Choices are as shown. Default is Bold.
Note: If All status is selected for the Alarm box content feature, then the selected
Title fontweight is overridden and all alarms are listed in the alarm box with
normal weight and only the active alarms are listed with bold weight.
Block color You can create a block (background) that offsets the alarm block from the
video behind it. The blocks will appear on screen in the color selected.
Choices are as shown. Default is White.
Block transparency You can set the block (background) to be a solid color or a transparency. The
blocks will appear on screen in the transparency selected.
Choices are as shown. Default is Solid.
Alarm box content The Alarm box content feature sets how many alarms will display on the
monitor screen in the alarm block.
Choices are Off (displays no alarms, whether active or inactive), All status
(displays all alarms, whether active or inactive), Highest priority (displays
only the highest priority alarm, when active), and Active only (displays all
active alarms). Active alarms appear as bold in the list when All status is
selected. Default is All status.
Alarm box duration The Alarm box duration feature sets how long the alarm block will display on
the monitor screen, when All status is selected for the Alarm box content
Choices are During action (default) and Indefinite (always displayed).
Horizontal alignment For future use.
Vertical alignment For future use.