Areas screen ( Actions | Areas )
Areas are similar to privacy masks. Both hide areas designated as sensitive. But whereas privacy masks cover
only a portion of the video displayed, areas hide all of it. Areas replace the video with a blue screen when the
camera passes the center point of a marked area. You can also display the title on the monitor screen of a
designated area without blanking the video with a blue screen. You can create 120 areas.
When creating your masks, be aware that they are triggered by their center viewpoint. Therefore, it is a
common practice to make masks twice the size of the area that you wish to cover so that the masked areas are
properly triggered when the camera enters the trigger zone.
Summary page (Actions|Areas|Summary)
The summary page provides the number and title of all areas that are programmed for the dome.
Figure 38. Summary page ( Actions | Areas | Summary )
Block color You can create a block (background) that offsets the ShadowTour title from
the video behind it. The block will appear on screen in the color selected.
Choices are as shown. Default is Black.
Block transparency You can set the block (background) to be a solid color or a transparency. The
block will appear on screen in the transparency selected.
Choices are as shown. Default is No color.
No. The No. column of the summary page lists all 120 areas in numerical order,
whether programmed or not.
Title The Title column of the summary page lists the titles of all 120 areas. The
default titles are listed if they have not been retitled.