System Administrator Screens
312353B 51
R&R Interface_____________________________________________
The R&R Interface Setup screen (FIG. 93) contains all the setup configuration necessary for Matrix to apply the
appropriate fluid charge to an R&R Repair Order (RO).
Note: The term “work order” (or WO), which the Matrix PC software and this manual uses, is synonymous with
R&R’s “repair order” (or RO). “Work order” is used when in the context of Matrix software, while “repair order” is used
to refer to the same entity, but within the R&R DMS (Dealer Management System).
The Matrix interface to R&R performs two simple func-
Work Order Validation
The first is to ensure that the work order entered by the
user, either at a meter or at a Matrix PC, is a valid work
order. Matrix checks with the R&R DMS and confirms
that the work order exists, is open, and has a status that
allows fluid charges to be added to it. If these three crite-
ria are satisfied, Matrix allows fluid to be dispensed
against the work order; otherwise, fluid cannot be dis-
Posting Charges
The second and primary function of the interface is to
apply the appropriate charge for the fluid dispensed by
Matrix on the correct R&R RO. Optionally, the interface
can add non-fluid parts to the RO, as described in
Matrix/R&R Interface beginning on page 28. The pro-
cess of adding parts or other charges to an R&R RO is
referred to as “posting” charges in Matrix.
By default, when Matrix is installed, the R&R interface is
disabled. The screen shown in F
IG. 93 displays the inter-
face in the enabled state. The Graco Matrix distributor
installs and configures the Matrix system with the inter-
face in the default disabled state. A Graco Technical
Support person assists the dealer to enable and test the
interface connection between Matrix and the DMS as
the last step in commissioning the system.
IG. 93 Matrix / R&R Interface Setup