
IPv4 Access Control Lists (ACLs)
Configuring Extended ACLs
Configuring Named, Extended ACLs
For a match to occur with an ACE in an extended ACL, a packet must have
the source and destination address criteria specified by the ACE, as well as
any IPv4 protocol-specific criteria included in the command.
Use the following general steps to create or add to a named, extended ACL:
1. Create and/or enter the context of a named, extended ACL.
2. Enter the first ACE in a new, extended ACL or append an ACE to the end
of an existing, extended ACL.
This section describes the commands for performing these steps. For other
ACL topics, refer to the following:
Topic Page
configuring named, standard ACLs 9-46
configuring numbered, standard ACLs 9-49
configuring numbered, extended ACLs 9-65
applying or removing an ACL on an interface 9-73
deleting an ACL 9-74
editing an ACL 9-75
sequence numbering in ACLs 9-76
including remarks in an ACL 9-81
displaying ACL configuration data 9-85
creating or editing ACLs offline 9-94
enabling ACL “Deny” logging 9-96