116 Geac System21 commerce.connect: Implementation on the iSeries Server
2. End the QEJBSBS subsystem by using the following command:
3. View the shared pools with the WRKSHRPOOL command.
4. On the Work with Shared Pools display (Figure 5-8), choose an available pool, for
example, *SHRPOOL1, and enter your chosen size and maximum activity level.
Figure 5-8 WRKSHRPOOL command showing the pool defined for WebSphere
In this example, shared pool 2 is setup for use by WebSphere. In fact, this was done
before the previous WRKSYSSTS command was run. You can see that shared pool 1 is
also set, but no subsystems or jobs are using it since it did not appear on the
WRKSYSSTS display.
Alternatively, you can do this by using the CHGSHRPOOL command:
Note that the sizes shown by WRKSHRPOOL are in Mb, but the sizes used by
CHGSHRPOOL are in Kb. In addition, the CHRSHRPOOL command does not warn you
that the pool is already in use.
5. Add the storage pool to the QEJBSBS subsystem.
6. Check whether the QEJBSBS subsystem was already modified by using the following
7. On the next display, select option 2 to see the pools.
8. On the Display Pool Definitions for QEJBSBS display (Figure 5-9), if there is a single entry
with a pool ID of 1 and a size of *BASE, then the subsystem was not yet modified in this
way. If it was modified, then determine why and how it was modified before you continue to
the next step.