
62 Geac System21 commerce.connect: Implementation on the iSeries Server
Check the following line:
Verify that the ROSEAO_PATH is set as follows:
set ROSEAO_PATH=C:\callConnect
set SERVER=<iSeries>
Verify that the CLIENT_PATH is set as follows:
If you are using a test instance, change the port number in the following line:
start javaw -Djava.naming.provider.url=iiop://%SERVER%:900 etc
Running the manually configured client
Create a desktop icon pointing to callConnect.bat. The first time you run this, it displays:
Default User: User for call.connect
Default Password: Password for user
S21 Company: XX (the AR company to be used)
S21 GL Company: XX (the GL company to be used)
S21 User Name: OMUSER or user set up in 3.2.6, User profiles on page 36
S21 Password: OMUSER
Datasource: as400Source. This must be the JNDI name used in ejb_default. It is not the
name of the datasource set up in WebSphere.
After the first time, the system requests only the user and password to sign on. Remember,
users and passwords are case sensitive.
3.6 Alternative configurations
This section provides information about alternative configurations of WebSphere and
call.connect. It is useful to anyone who wants to set up testing facilities for example.
3.6.1 Setting up a test instance of WebSphere
The instructions in 3.2, Standard installation procedures on page 22, explain how to install
and configure call.connect using the default instance of WebSphere, which runs on port 900.
The call.connect software on the CD comes pre-configured to run this instance in a folder
named OrderManagement. However, it is often useful or necessary to set up other instances
of WebSphere. For example, this would allow you to test fixes in the form of new EJBs before
you move them to the live system. Users may want to use different System21 data for testing.
However, this alone does not require a different configuration of WebSphere. It merely
requires a different job description and a user profile to use that job description.
The steps outlined in Table 3-4 are required to configure a different instance of WebSphere.