Chapter 3. Installing and setting up call.connect 21
Table 3-1 Disk space requirements
iSeries software requirements
The minimum software required for your iSeries includes:
OS/400 Version 4 Release 4, or later (in an unrestricted state): To install and run
WebSphere Application Server Advanced Edition for iSeries on your iSeries server.
iSeries user profile with *ALLOBJ authority: To install WebSphere Application Server
Advanced Edition for iSeries on your iSeries server.
iSeries Developer Kit for Java (5769-JV1), Version 1.2 (option 3)
OS/400 Qshell Interpreter (5769-SS1, option 30): For using the scripts that are included
with the product and for local installation (installing to your iSeries server from the
CD-ROM of your iSeries server).
OS/400 Host Servers (5769-SS1, option 12): For remote installation (installing to your
iSeries server from the CD-ROM of another workstation). You can start the host servers by
using the Start Host Server (STRHOSTSVR) command. On the iSeries command line,
The QSERVER subsystem must be running on iSeries.
TCP/IP Connectivity Utilities for iSeries (5769-TC1): To configure and run WebSphere
Application Server. It is also needed if you are using remote installation (installing
WebSphere Application Server on your iSeries server from the CD-ROM of another
workstation). To start TCP/IP on iSeries, enter the Start TCP/IP (STRTCP) command on
the iSeries command line.
HTTP Server for iSeries (5769-DG1): To support requests for servlets and JavaServer
Pages resources managed by WebSphere Application Server. It is also needed if you plan
to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. If you plan to deploy only enterprise beans,
HTTP Server for iSeries is not needed. call.connect optionally uses Sun’s Java Web Start
technology to allow dynamic updates of client applications. Java WebStart requires an
HTTP Server to service update requests. However, call.connect can be used without
enabling these features.
DB2 Universal Database (UDB) for iSeries: Must be configured to work with WebSphere
Application Server for iSeries if you plan to connect to the local database. Optionally, this
database may be on a different machine than the iSeries server that is running
WebSphere Application Server. We recommend that you use the local iSeries database
during the initial WebSphere Administration Server setup.
Entry in the relational database directory that points to *LOCAL: To run WebSphere
Application Server on iSeries.
To view the current settings, enter the Work with Relational Database Directory Entry
(WRKRDBDIRE) command. You can add a directory entry by entering the Add Relational
Database Directory Entry (ADDRDBDIRE) command.
The maximum number of jobs allowed for the iSeries SQL server jobs should be set to
*NOMAX. Use the Change Prestart Job Entry (CHGPJE) command to change the prestart
job entry for the SQL server jobs. For example, you would enter:
Installation option During installation After installation
*BASE (client application development software only) 500 MB 250 MB
Option 1 (includes *BASE and WebSphere
Application Server environment)
650 MB 450 MB